Good morning LCSD!
In an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the Lee County School District, as well as report adequate information to the public, we are asking that if you have a child who is a student in the district, and they have tested positive for COVID, but a report has not been made; please contact our “Point of Contact” Ms. Joycelyn Brandon at the LCSD Administration Building, at 870-295-7103.
Thank you,
Supt. Murdock
Good morning LCSD Parents!
If your child is in grades 3-12, they should be logged onto the "Google Classroom" platform. If your child is grades K-2, they should be completing "AMI" lessons daily. If your child does not log in, and complete the number of minutes assigned, they will be counted "absent" for the day. Students should be prepared to log in each day, no later than 8:05 am. School is in session for virtual learning for the remainder of the week. Our students are very much aware of the expectations, please support us as we try to make sure that they are still receiving instruction in this format.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's school and/or teacher(s).
Have a great day!
Supt. Murdock
Good afternoon LCSD!
The Trojans JR and SR Basketball Teams will play at Barton tonight beginning at 5 pm.
Please be careful as you travel and please follow any/all CDC recommendations.
Have a great evening!
Supt. Murdock
Good afternoon LCSD Staff!
This message is being sent out to you For further clarification purposes:
ALL staff should report to work onsite unless you are ill.
Those who have been placed under isolation, if you feel up to it, can teach remotely, so that your personal illness days will not be counted against you.
K-2 staff is also required to report to work, even though your students are completing AMI packets at home.
Thanks for all that you do.
Supt. Murdock
Good afternoon LCSD!
Because we have a number of school staff out due to COVID-related illness, we have made the decision to conduct remote learning for the rest of this week.
Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 11, 2022, students will receive instruction remotely, (at home) through Friday, January 14, 2022.
Staff will be onsite to conduct virtual only classes for grades 3-12, and AMI packets will be completed at home for students K-2. The Whitten Pre-K program will be open tomorrow, but that is subject to change for the remainder of the week. Parents will be notified tomorrow concerning Preschool.
The goal is to contain the COVID virus and prevent the rapid spread.
Thanks for your patience.
Have a great evening!
Supt. Murdock
Good afternoon LCSD!
Please review the following message concerning COVID:
With the recent increases in COVID in the district, it is important that we all consider working together in order to prevent the spread. LCSD is currently NOT considering school closure for virtual instruction because of the virus; unless it gets to a point that we cannot have school safely.
The CDC recommends that the best defense in preventing the COVID-19 virus or extreme COVID-19 related illness, is to get a vaccine. Vaccines are available for ages 5 and above. Boosters are also available for those 12 and above. The Lee County Cooperative Clinic (LCCC) and the local AR Health Department Unit (ADH) offers free testing in Marianna. COVID Vaccinations are strongly encouraged.
We can make sure we follow the CDC's "3Ws" recommendations. Wear a mask, Wash your hands, and Watch your distance. The district staff is trying our best to keep schools and buses disinfected. Each of us will have to do our part to keep our schools open. Studies and evidence in regard to academic and social-emotional wellness has proven, that our students NEED to be in school.
Please contact Ms. Joycelyn Brandon, LCSD's COVID-19 Point of Contact, in regards to reporting or any questions, 8702957103 or 8702951022.
Thank you.
Have a safe weekend!
Supt. Murdock
Good morning LCSD!
It will be an extremely cold day today...However, school will begin at its regularly scheduled time. Please take extra precaution and bundle up in layers of clothing.
See you soon!
Happy Friday!
Supt. Murdock
Good morning LCSD!
There will be NO After School Programs today, Thursday, January 6, 2022.
Have a great day!
Supt. Murdock
Good morning LCSD!
The district will be on a "2-Hr Delayed Schedule" this morning. School normally would opens at 7:30 am for breakfast, it will open at 9:30 am, to make sure everyone has more time to make it in safely.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Have a safe and warm day!
Supt. Murdock
Good evening LCSD!
A decision to close school or delay the opening of school, because of the current "winter weather advisory," will be made no later than 6:30 am, tomorrow, Thursday, January 6, 2022.
You will receive a text message, and you may also receive information from your
local tv station and/or local radio station.
Stay Safe...Stay Warm...and Rest Well!
Have a great weekend!
Supt. Murdock
Good morning LCSD,
The Lee County Cooperative Clinic is conducting Rapid COVID testing today…. Because this new strand of the virus is spreading quickly and we are doing our best to keep schools open, please consider getting a test done today for a safer opening of schools tomorrow.
It is a quick and easy!
Thank you.
Have a great day!
Supt. Murdock.
Good evening and Happy New Year LCSD!
Please review the following announcement:
Tomorrow, January 3, 2022 is a professional learning day for LCSD staff.
Staff will report to their work sites for the day.
Students will return on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at the regularly schedule time.
Please note that this is the primary method for communication for the district. Any inclement weather announcements will also primarily be sent using text.
If any updates need to be made in order to receive information, please communicate at the school/ worksite as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Stay safe and warm.
Supt. Murdock
Happy Holidays to each of you!
Thanks for all you have meant to me and the students at LCSD!
Thanks for your…
in this…
Be safe! Get Some Rest and Relaxation!
Supt. Murdock
Seasons Greetings, LCSD!
School will be dismissed at 2:00pm tomorrow, Friday, December 17, 2021 for the Winter Break, December 20, 2021 through January 3, 2022. January 3, 2022 will be a Professional Learning Day for staff.
School will be back in its regular session for students, starting January 4, 2022.
Relax and enjoy the Holidays, and the extra time with friends and family!
Supt. Murdock
Good evening Trojan Fans!
The Marianna Trojans’ Basketball Team will play Host to the Forrest City Mustangs on tonight, Thursday, December 16th, starting at 5pm, at the James Banks Gymnasium.
Tickets will be sold at the door. Temperature checks will be done at the door.
Wearing of masks and social distancing are encouraged.
Thank you!
Have a safe. fun-filled and exciting evening!
Go Trojans!
Supt. Murdock
Arkansas GIS Office - 2021 Update of Lee County School Board Zones
Complete the survey following the link below.
To view the full document please click on the link below.
Good evening Trojan Fans!
Marianna Trojans’ Home Basketball Games scheduled for this Friday night, Dec. 3rd, and next Tuesday night, Dec. 7th, are being canceled, and rescheduled at a later date due to COVID.
We will inform you at a later date when games will be rescheduled.
Thank you.
Have a restful evening!
Supt. Murdock
Good evening LCSD!
Please wear red, tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021, for “World AIDS Day!”
Please show your support for those who are battling with HIV/AIDS across the world; especially those in our community.
Thank you.
Have a great evening!
Supt. Murdock
Good afternoon LCSD!
I hope all is well…
Just a reminder: School will be dismissed today at 2PM to begin the Thanksgiving Holiday Week! It will resume at the regularly scheduled time on Monday, November 29, 2021!
Giving Thanks for all that you do for the children…
Have a great holiday week!
Supt. Murdock.
Good afternoon LCSD,
School will dismiss on this Friday, November 19, 2021, at 2PM for Thanksgiving Holiday Week. It will resume at it regularly scheduled time on Monday, November 29. 2021.
Please be safe, eat well, have fun and enjoy the extra time with family and friends.
Have a great evening!
Thank you.
Supt. Murdock